Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers Needed
NCAA Women's Division I, II and III Basketball Finals
Dallas will be hosting the Division I NCAA Women’s Final Four and the Division II & III National Championships this March! There will be 30,000+ participants & attendees and we’ll need 1,000’s of volunteers to help host this event.
All volunteers will receive an official NCAA Women’s Final Four polo shirt, jacket, and hat. Volunteers will also receive free parking during their shifts and training. There are 100’s of volunteer shifts and locations to choose from.
We’ll have Welcome Desks (Welcome Team) located in 7 Downtown Dallas Hotels, Love Field Airport, Klyde Waren Park and the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center which will also be the location where we’ll host the “Tourney Town” fan experience.
Volunteer Sign-up:
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Click on Link: Rosterfy Login > Dallas Sports Commission
- Go to bottom of the page and click “Sign-up here”.
- Fill in all the information and then click on “Create Account”.
- You’ll get a pop-up window showing your registration has been approved.
- Click on “Continue to Dashboard”.
- Click “Events” on the left-hand column.
- 12 NCAA Women’s Final Four Event ICONS will appear.
- Select Event ICON where you would like to volunteer.
- Then click on “Apply now”.
- Select date and shift. (Please contact volunteer@dallassports.org if you would like to volunteer with a specific person at the same location.)
- Then click “Apply”.
- You will see a white check in a green circle showing “Success”.
- You’ll also receive an email that says “Dallas Sports Commission Shift Confirmed”.
- Within two weeks of the event, the Dallas Sports Commission will email you the following:
- Shift Location
- Link to short training module
- Uniform pick-up location, date, and time
Reap the benefits of becoming a Chamber Volunteer
One of the easiest ways to super-charge your Chamber Membership is to join a volunteer committee. Volunteering is a great way to make new business contacts, support the Chamber and (dare we say it?) have fun!
We are always on the lookout for great members to add to our committee rolls. Take a look at the volunteer opportunities below and choose the committee, task force or workgroup that works best for you.
Join a committee today! Complete the Volunteer Interest Form below.
Special Events
Special Events, like the annual Celebration of Excellence Dinner, Texas Business Equality Conference, and Spooktacular are organized by special individual committees.
If you are interested in participating on any of the Special Events committees please complete the form on the left.
Legislative Affairs/Public Policy
The North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) advocates for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) businesses at every level of government and business affairs, convening a broad cross-section of the LGBT and allied business community to develop and implement policy, establish a clear and persuasive voice in government and business affairs, and play an active role in the cities and counties of North Texas, state of Texas, Nationally and when necessary, Internationally.
The Legislative Affairs Committee develops programs to promote a pro-business and pro-LGBT position on policy and projects in local, state and federal government.
Our purpose: The Legislative Affairs committee is responsible for identifying and recommending positions on legislation and public policy impacting our business community. It is through this committee, subject to Board approval, that Chamber advocacy decisions are made.